Minecraft is pretty awesome, but it’s also quite easy to get a bit lost. The game is so huge that sometimes you need a bit of a helping hand to say “Look, this is what you should try next!”. That helping hand is going to be in bookshops very soon, and it’s called the Minecraft Official Beginner’s Handbook.
The book is fully approved by the guys from Mojang who made Minecraft, and teaches you how to do everything, from basic stuff like equipping your character with a sword, to some complex building projects. If you’re worried that the creepers might get you and want to know how to survive the night, then this is the book you must read!

The handbook tells you everything you need to know about Minecraft, from building shelters to surviving zombie attacks
The release date for the Minecraft Official Beginner’s Handbook is October 2013. You can pre-order the book so it arrives at your house on the very first day of release at the official website.
Will you be picking up the Official Beginner’s Handbook, or do you think you know enough about Minecraft to be able to survive on your own? Let us know in a comment.