10 Most Awesome Games on Wii U in 2013

10 Most Awesome Games on Wii U in 2013

9) LEGO City: Undercover

What might be the best LEGO game ever made is a Wii U exclusive game, so if you don’t have a Wii U you’re missing out! There’s few things more fun than playing cops and robbers, but Traveler’s Tales found one: playing cops and robbers with LEGO in a massive open city. Drive every car, run down every side street, perform daring roof-top jumps, all to solve the crime and put law-breakers behind bars. LEGO City Undercover is just pure fun. It even uses the GamePad as a scanner to find out where the criminals are hiding, and as a communicator so you can call up HQ and find out who’s on the Most Wanted list.


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