Yesterday we introduced you to Jordan, who is using Wii Fit U to try and get into shape. In the first video we explored what basic things you can do with Wii Fit U, and how it links with the pedometer, a little device you carry around with you that counts how many steps you take. In today’s video, Jordan is taking a closer look at the games on offer and how Wii Fit U tracks your fitness.
The games look really fun, with some challenges like keeping food on a tray whilst you try to walk around a bust restaurant, and using a fireman’s hose to wash muddy people. Then there are less game-like exercises that are designed for the pedometer. You can set your Mii to walk around famous locations like the Great Wall of China, and for every step you take in real life with the pedometer, your Mii will walk in their famous place. This helps keep you motivated to walk more and keep fit and healthy, because the more you walk, the closer your Mii gets to finishing their walk too.
We’ll be checking in on Jordan again next week to see how she’s getting on. Until then, if you loved this video, follow us on Twitter for loads more amazing stories and gameplay footage, and subscribe to Family Gamer TV on YouTube.