We know you love videogames and LEGO, but what other toys do you love playing with? How about a yo-yo? They look a bit odd: just a wheel on a string, but you can do some amazing tricks with them if you can learn the skills. Andy from Family Gamer TV met Takeshi Kamisato when he was in New York, who is a professional yo-yo master for Duncan. Take a look at his awesome skills in this video.
Yo-yos are much more sophisticated now, with all kinds of new technology in them to make them smooth and slick, which lets you pull off amazing tricks. Check out Takeshi as he balances a spinning top on his arm, and then flicks it to his hand! It takes years of practice to get this good, but if you really wanted to you could learn to be this amazing too. Imagine the look on your friends faces when you bust out these kind of tricks!
You can pick up some great Duncan yo-yos from Amazon.
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