What would Minecraft look like if it were real? Just imagine if you went outside and found that everything was square, and that you could dig up materials and build your own castle no problem at all. What would that look like if it wasn’t just made out of dots on a TV screen? Realistic Minecraft is a set of short little videos that answer those questions. Give them a watch!
The Realistic Minecraft videos are made by Flashcode, a YouTuber who is really skilled at animation. In the video above you can see what Flashcode thinks the world would look like if Minecraft was real, and how the gathering and building would work. It’s really detailed; check out how the blocks crumble when they get hit with a axe!
The most recent video Flashcode has made shows off some combat with a skeleton. When skeletons look real instead of walking blocks, they’re actually quite scary! Thankfully then shatter into lots of pieces when hit with a sword.
This third video shows how you’d use the furnace to smelt iron into ingots. It’s really cool to see how the furnace would slide open, and where you can feed the coal in to keep the furnace hot and burning.
Flashcode has other Realistic Minecraft videos which you can watch at his YouTube channel. Sadly Realistic Minecraft will only ever be videos and not a real game, but they’re a fun watch and it’s cool to imagine all the different looks Minecraft could have.
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