Rayman Legends on Vita is missing 28 levels! Oh no! But don’t worry, Ubisoft has confirmed that the lost levels from the Vita version will be restored through a DLC pack that will be coming soon.
The Vita version of Rayman Legends doesn’t have 28 levels that are on the other console versions of the game, like the Xbox or Wii U versions. This is because the game took longer to make than Ubisoft thought it would, and so to make sure the Vita version came out at the same time as all the other versions, the levels were cut. Ubisoft have promised to bring these extra levels, which include the Invasion mode levels, to the PS Vita by offering a downloadable pack. We don’t know when this will be available, but Ubisoft assure us that it will happen.
What do you think of this problem? Should Ubisoft have waited until the Vita version was finished and release it later than the other versions, or do you think they’re doing the right thing by letting players have most of the game now and the Invasion levels later? Let us know your thoughts on Twitter.