iOS App of the Day: Gocco ZomBeat

iOS App of the Day: Gocco ZomBeat

Prepare to join the greatest band in the underworld! In Gocco ZomBeat, you’ll be part of a drum and bass music group made up of zombies! With these (slightly smelly) guitarists and drummers you’ll be able to learn just what goes into drum and bass music.

The beat and rhythm of the music is really important, and by tapping the notes on the scrolling screen you’ll keep and time and make sure the music keeps playing. It’s a bit like Guitar Hero, but on your iPhone!

Gocco ZomBeat comes with two tracks free to play. If you love the game, you can pay a subscription each month to unlock every song and play them as many times as you want. To try it out, just download it from the App Store. Not into music? No problem! There’s loads of other kinds of games you can download for free over at our Best Apps channel.


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